Americana from Side Control, Near Side Armbar from Side Control
Marcelo demonstrates two interrelated arm-lock attacks from Side-Control: If your opponent is protecting their elbows by hiding their arms close to their body as frames, it may be difficult to transition towards more traditional modes of finish; when your opponent looks to turn up onto their side to face your Side-Mount, monitor their near-side hip with your knee and occupy any space they generate from hip-escapes by following their movement. Release your cross-face and intercept their frame placed against your collarbone by pressing it down from the inside with your palm seizing their wrist. Pin their forearm down onto the mat, wedging your elbow into the far-side of their neck, and secure a Fig.-4 Grip around their elbow by grabbing onto your own wrist with your under-hooking hand. Drag their hand south towards your opponent's feet while pulling their elbow slighly upward and medially towards centerline to impose a tap-out. If your opponent opts to turn away from you while held under your Side-Control, post your hand down beside their hip while pummeling your other arm around their near-side arm as a Reverse Over-Hook; next, rise up and wedge your shin against their side as you fall back with their near-side arm and pass your opposite leg over their face for a modified Cross-Lock Position. Quickly, latch your hand onto their wrist to prevent your opponent from rotating their arm out of hyperextension as you apply pressure behind their elbow by raising your hips into the armbar submission.