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Crucifix Armbar from Back
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2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo finishes with an Armlock from the Crucifix: Avoid letting your opponent connect their hands together while held inside your Crucifix; the leverage gained from the connection may help them escape from the position, particularly after rolling. Keep tension with your legs to prevent them from making a strong grip and look to finish with the Crucifix Armbar. Drive your hips into their elbow rather than sliding your shin back towards their wrist. [04:18] If your opponent turns their elbow to avoid hyperextension, you must follow the angle with your hips and find the correct angle to put pressure on the joint. If their hands lock together, you can use your hands to break the grip and keep the opposite arm away with a Kimura Grip Seatbelt Control. If your opponent is flexible and plays the dangerous game of turning their wrist to avoid the submission, you may need to apply pressure more quickly.

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