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Over Under Pass vs Hook Sweep, Under Hook and Head vs Half Guard
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Marcelo and Hudson discuss a subtle yet high-level aspect of technique: If you assess your opponent to have a difficult Open Guard, don't give them the time or space to create something bad for you; opt to quickly close the distance and prune away their options, e.g. force them to play Half-Guard. Hit them with a strong tackle as you pummel an Under-Hook and while driving forward with pinning chest pressure. If their head is available, particularly when passing No-Gi, switch your head to the opposite/far side and clasp around their shoulder with Under-Hook & Head Control. Some opponent may try to counter by wrestling up or lifting with a Butterfly-Hook; however, if you stay persistent and keep tight while driving forward and to the side, you will oftentimes succeed in passing their guard. Better opponents will oftentimes recognize when they are beat in the position and look to settle defensively rather than counter-attack. This is a smart option, especially when on the receiving end of a well-played passing attempt. Sometimes it is better to bide your time and wait for your opponent to open up or make a mistake to find the right moment for a corrective response.

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