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Unbalance Sweep from X Guard, X Guard Sweep from X Guard, X Guard Takedown from X Guard
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3 Part Technique - Sweeping with the X-Guard is a matter of timing your move when your opponent least expects it and always keeping him guessing as to which direction you'll take him. Don't allow him to rest comfortably in your X-Guard otherwise you run the risk of him undoing your hooks and escaping. Constantly undermine his base by stretching him into a split with your hooks and testing out his flexibility. Try to tip him backwards with the Unbalance Sweep first by pushing his knee and kicking his knee. If he counters this by falling forward, dump him onto his shoulder by intercepting his hand before it posts on the mat and lifting his knee up into the air with your hooks. If his wrist is out of reach, it is usually a good indication that his legs are light enough to perform a technical stand and sweep with the X-Guard Takedown. Regardless of the finish involved, establish the top position by removing his ankles from the mat and avoiding the Triangle.

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