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Back Control Recovery → Bow and Arrow Choke → Collar Choke Cradle from Back
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2 Part Lesson — Marcelo finishes the Collar Choke from Back: [I] The Collar Grip provides an invaluable opportunity to make your opponent tap, in that, it does not require you to open up your opponent's chin to make space for the strangle; you simply need to maintain a tight grip and pull the lapel into the side of his neck. Incrementally, cinch up closer and closer to to his neck so that no slack remains across his throat. If your opponent escapes your hooks and tries to escape to either side, keep your shoulder behind his neck and go belly-down to follow behind him into an upright seated position. Cross your leg over his hips and fall back for the Bow-N-Arrow Choke. [II] If your opponent tries to turn away before you can step over his body for the Bow-N-Arrow, gather up his nearside leg into a Cradle and secure it with a grip on your gi or his. Finish the strangle as before without letting his head slip out from your arm.

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