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Bow and Arrow Choke from Back
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2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows two entries into arguably the best submission utilizing the kimono: [I] The Bow-'n'-Arrow Choke (Othenjime, Okurierijime, et al. variations) is by far and away the most powerful strangulation one can apply to the neck of an opponent wearing the gi; Marcelo has personally never encountered an instance where an opponent was successfully able to defend and escape from the choke once fully sunk. One achieves this ability through careful orientation around the throttling mechanism involved in applying the finishing pressure to the opponent; after pulling the collar across the throat and under the chin, reorient your position around the opponent such that you are no longer flush against the back but rather off to the behind the shoulder (similiar to that of Ukigatame/Jujigatame). Cradle the near-side leg and lean back, engaging your leg muscle groups to help send-away the neck into the collar in the same manner of drawing back an arrow against a bow. If your opponent is bridging his or her weight on top of you while below in the Back/Rear Mount, transition your hooks against the hips to help spin underneath and out from underneath the upper body. Hip escape out until you can lay the opponent across your lap and have enough weight off of your body to throttle the choke. [II] If your opponent is following you with the bridge as you try to slide out from underneath coming from the bottom, reverse directions and transition to the Technical Mount coming up over top. This method is farther and riskier in terms of potentially losing the position; however, if you can swing your leg from kneeling to sitting very low and tight, you can increase the percentage of achieving the correct finishing angle. Don't use your foot to hook behind the opponent's leg to help kick them off to the side as you rise up to the Mount. Doing so may allow them to defend against the Mount or even block you from reintroducing your Back-Hook.

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