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Single Leg Takedown, Jumping on the Back, Seat belt Control from Back
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5 Part Lesson -- Marcelo addresses a scenario wherein your opponent is hard to keep down from a Single-Leg: Shrug your shoulders to help hide your neck from chokes as you perform the footwork for the Run-the-Pipe finish. Step inside, step back, and bow your chest onto your opponent's thigh to bring their hips down to the mat. [02:13] If your opponents finds a way to keep their balance and stay hopping on one foot, reach behind for their hip and drag yourself around to the back. Lock your hands together for Back-Body-Lock Control, but keep your head behind and your hips away. Beware of a opponent who will throw their back onto your head with a Sit-Out defense, and avoid counter-throws by way of Makikomiwaza. [04:22] If your opponent tries to push your head to prevent you from taking the back, turn away and let their hand slip off as you control the hips. [08:14] Chase your opponent's hips if they rise up back to their feet after you achieve the Rear-Waist-Lock. [09:49] Unbalance your opponent before they regain their base by jostling their hips to the side before you jump to fasten the Seatbelt. Don't throw your weight onto the side of your partner's knee when you throw in the near/strong-side hook.

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