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1Leg X Guard Entry vs Mount, Breaking the Closed Guard, Knee Slide Pass vs Open Guard
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3 Part Technique - In the finals of the 2004 brasileiros absolute division, Marcelo was swept with a beautiful Flower Sweep from Closed Guard by Xande Ribeiro that may have well cost him the match. You must learn from your mistakes; Marcelo always corrects his game to account for anything that went wrong in his matches so it never happens again. Case in point, if you are swept this way, don't give up the armbar, but recover with 1Leg X-Guard from Mount. Marcelo makes sure this doesn't happen to him anymore by applying the following set of rules when inside the Closed Guard: 1) if the opponent grabs your same-side sleeve, step up to your foot on that side and stand up to pass. 2) if the opponent grabs for your knee, step up with the other leg and stand up to pass. Picking up your opponent's back and hips from the ground takes away his ability to generate the momentous swing necessary for the Flower or Pendulum Sweep. Once standing, gain an underhook and grab onto the inside fabric of the pants around the knee to break open his guard and pass. If your sleeve is not free after standing, keep his body held close and minimize the distance between the grip on his collar to the grip on the knee for the break.

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Nenzo (4243 days ago)  
I don't know why, but I also found that moment really funny!
Ceppstein (4246 days ago)  
Then he goes for the armbar.....What are you doing?

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