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2on1 X Guard Entry from Standing, Unbalance Sweep from X Guard, 2on1 Control Escape vs Side Control
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2 Part Technique — Marcelo decides to attack his opponent's lead leg with a Guard Pull, however he'll need to clear the hands first before sitting down to the mat. Establish 2on1 Control, drop underneath, and use your hook to kick his leg onto your shoulder for X-Guard. Once set, knock him back with the Unbalance Sweep and catch his ankles to rise on top. If you land and miss his leg, continue holding the 2on1 and use it to help get back to your feet. Don't lose the 2on1; it gives you the freedom to pull X-Guard, and the option of resetting after an attempt.

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joxsjpxs (4118 days ago)  
Ok, thanks.  Great stuff.  And I will post something like this in the forum next time.  
jeiteki (4119 days ago)  
joxsjpxs, try posting that question to the forums -- you'll get more responses that way.

A wrist control 2-on-1 grip is much easier to escape than the pistol grip 2-on-1 version. Additionally, there is a whole series of sweeps (cross arm and belt sweep) and pass defenses that rely on having the pistol grip and cannot be reliably executed with wrist control. If you have the gi, Marcelo always teaches to focus on getting the pistol grip version.

The way Marcelo teaches this grip, you need to cross the opponent's wrist beneath yours so that they cannot reach your sleeve or collar. Once you have this they will have a very hard time passing your guard because they only have one free hand to either post on the mat (for balance) or on you (to control the distance); they can't do both at the same time.

Note that if you're both standing, the opponent won't need to post on the mat to accomplish their goals (of taking you down or not getting taken down). Therefore, their free hand will probably try to grab your collar. If you want to stay standing with them instead of pulling guard, it's important to use your elbow (the one with the pistol grip) to knock their free hand away when they try to grab your collar.
joxsjpxs (4120 days ago)  
When you get the 2 on 1 in the gi with the pistol grip, as Marcelo shows if your grip isn't strong the other guy has the chance to grab you back.  If that's the case, would it make sense not to go for the pistol grip and use a nogi grip on the wrist instead?  Thanks
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