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2on1 Push to Open Guard, ¾-Mount vs DLR, Half Guard to Mount, Knee Cross vs Half Guard, Leg Drag Pass vs DLR Guard
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2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows 3 passes for when an opponent blocks you with a De-La-Riva Hook: [I] If your opponent grabs onto your ankle, preventing you from passing his Open Guard with a Knee Slide, Standing Step, or Circle Pass, release your 2on1 Control and vault over his knees, landing in ¾-Mount. Hold him down with Reverse Underhook & Head Control to either pry open his ¼-Guard to go to Mount, or pick your hips up to cut your leg across for a Knee Slide. [II] If you can't pummel your leg around to the outside of your opponent's other foot in DLR, initiate a Leg Drag Attack; if his foot is high, reach under and bring it across; if low or on your hip, pull his ankle across your belly. In both variations, collect his hips together before advancing up to establish Side Control.

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