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Single-Leg Takedown, Body-Lock Pass, Jumping on the Back
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Marcelo, Matheus, and Jon talk about a critical point in discerning which path to take after a takedown: Your opponent may try to purposefully expose their back immediately after you've passed their guard in order to force you into leaving a dominant position prematurely. If your opponent tries to stay up on their feet after you've sat them down by Running-the-Pipe on a Single-Leg, keep them down by transitioning to a Body-Lock and working towards an upper-body clinch. If you pass your opponent's legs while securing a hold around their waist, they may try to pronate and face away to continue escaping. Depending on the skill-level of your opponent, sometimes they will feel more comfortable with defending you from taking their back with the Seat-Belt and/or hooks as opposed to accepting a downed position and continuing to fight from guard. If you sense this is the case, instead of passing around and behind your opponent, stay more focused in front of their hips -almost to the point of placing yourself inside of their Full/Closed Guard. When you need to score the points from the takedown or sweep attempt, sometimes winding up inside their guard is worth the risk rather than bypassing for a chance to attack their back.

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