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Back Escape from Turtle Position
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Advanced Lesson Part 2 of 3 -- Marcelo adds missing details to the Back-Escape from Turtle: Raise your leg into the air and flag it up as you roll over to ward off your opponent's hooks when you land. Once you touch down, bring your leg away from your opponent's back-hooks and look for a grip on their pants. If you can, try to grab around your opponent's leg prior to rolling with a Single-Leg; this will allow you to hide your leg even better and also make it easier to anchor yourself on top. If you don't have the Single-Leg scoop around their leg when you turn over, find a grip onto the bottom-leg pant but don't let yourself get captured in a Crucifix. Hide your elbow inward once you secure your grip and use it to help latch onto their leg with your other hand as you twist and face your opponent. Remember not to bring your opponent's back up off the ground when you twist, keep your weight down onto their chest to prevent them from sitting up and recovering.

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