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The Most Efficient Back-Mount Escape: Long-Turn to Weak-Side Break
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Advanced Lesson Part 2 of 2 -- Marcelo uses an analogy about shopping for coffee to explain how sometimes one must go the long-way around for what they want; in this case, escaping from Back-Mount: If your opponent won't let you readily fall onto their "Weak-Side" to initiate your Back-Escape, you can rotate through the opposite side and wind up there just the same. However, there is the risk that if you lose momentum mid-turn, you can end up splayed out and spatchcocked underneath your opponent. Use your feet by pushing off the mat to prevent your opponent from turning you back over to their "Strong-Side" after you get passed the face-down positioning of the Back-Mount Escape. You can generate extra momentum by encouraging your opponent to help you roll-through by making them prevent an initial attempt at a roll towards the shorter path to the Weak-Side. When they go to pull you away from this direction, use their force against them to help you make it all the way through the Strong-Side and land where you wanted to be all along to escape from the Back-Mount position.

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