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Jumping on the Back, Back Body Lock Takedown, Taking the Back, Seat belt Control from Back, Double Leg Takedown
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2 Part Technique - Regardless of how you end up behind your opponent with a Bodylock, successfully taking his back comes down to securing the Seatbelt. Whilst standing, you can jump straight onto his back and fasten the Seatbelt, but your arms must be clear of his hands, otherwise you run the risk of losing the position. One way in which to accomplish this, is by drawing his hips backward: if he holds onto your bodylock, he will fall to the mat and you can easily find the Seatbelt and set your hooks; if he let's go to regain his balance, you will have a window to launch your chest onto his back for the Seatbelt also. If you pull him backward and he leans forward instead, simply lower your bodylock around his knees and buckle him down with a Double Leg. And remember, always keep your training partner's safety in mind when trying to take him down with the bodylock: NEVER sit on or over his legs as you drag him down.

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