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Back Step Kneebar vs Half Guard, Toe Hold vs Reverse Half
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2-Part Advanced Lesson -- Master Fabio Gurgel shows a Back-Step against Half-Guard into some Double-Trouble: Starting from a split-leg position on top, swing your far-foot behind you in a wide arc such that you land sitting on top of your opponent's belly with a scoop grip (a.k.a. Reverse Saddle, Russian Half-Mount, et al.); if your opponent doesn't react, you can take their leg back directly into hyperextension with a Kneebar. However, if your opponent defends by hiding this leg with a figure-four lock, dive forward and capture their shin while locking a Fig.-4 of your own on the top-side. Place your opponent's free-foot into a Toe-Hold by enlacing your hands around their ankle with a Fig.-4 Grip using your arms. If they try to defend by undoing their lock to kick away your grip on their foot, immediately switch back to the original target and extend their trapped leg with a Kneebar. [1:45] Keep your Fig.-4 locked tightly around your opponent's hip when you fall over and collect their feet; otherwise, you risk giving them the chance to escape their hips and free their legs from the double-attack. One can accentuate their finish by swimming their arm inside and over-hooking their opponent's top-side leg for the Kneebar.

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