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Category: 'Guard/Closed Guard/Bottom/Transitions';
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Breaking Posture from Closed Guard → Closed Guard to Butterfly Guard → Double Over Hook Sweep from Butterfly

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo starts from Closed Guard to build up an offense: [I] If you cannot chase down your opponent for an upper body control, launch into Closed to keep him close enough to tie up his arms for a sweep. Break his postur...
Triangle & Scissor Sweep from 2on1 Control

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo utilizes the 2on1 Control as a junction between the Triangle and Scissor Sweep from Open Guard.
2on1 to Cross Arm & Belt Control vs Defensively Stalling Opponent

2 Part Lesson - As the opponent clamps down to protect his arm from being crossed while on his knees, generate force by "pedaling" your legs to create opening space to execute your moves. If the opponent instead drives his upper body a...
Closed Guard to 2on1 Control

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo uses the brief safety of Closed Guard to find the 2on1, transitioning to the Cross Arm and Belt and forcing the reversal.
Closed Guard to Open Guard from 2on1 Control

2 Part Lesson - Use the 2on1 Control to safely weave between Closed Guard to an Open Guard, such as Butterfly.
Posted: 3135 days ago
2on1 from Closed Guard, Closed Guard to Butterfly Guard, Cross Arm and Belt Control from Butterfly

2 Part Technique - Be wary of the leglock when you open your Closed Guard; establish a 2on1 first and then work your feet onto his hip to sit up into Butterfly Guard. If he remains tight around your hips, plant your foot on the mat and...
Closed Guard to Open Guard, 2on1 from Closed Guard, Footlock Escape from Open Guard

3 Part Technique - Protect yourself against Leg Attacks when transitioning between guards, by posting and hooking your feet in front of the opponent. Your feet and legs are vulnerable to being in danger when loose or pocketed against t...
Closed Guard to Butterfly Guard, 2on1 Control from Butterfly, Over Under Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly,

2 Part Technique - Transition to Butterfly Guard using 2on1 to counter an opponent holding your hips in Closed Guard. Connect to Over Under Control from 2on1 and Hook Sweep. Follow the opponent with your hook as he circles away. Reach ...
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