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Single Leg from Lapel Half Guard vs Knee Slide Pass
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1-Part Advanced Lesson -- Bernardo shares an effective off-balance against a Knee-Cut when playing Lapel Half-Guard: While seated in Butterfly-Guard, attack your opponent's lead-leg by snatching up a Single and securing it with a grip on their lapel. Use your Butterfly-Hook to prevent your opponent from back-stepping into the negative and forcing you to play from a Reverse Half-Guard. If your opponent lunges forward with their knee, don't allow them to cross-over your thigh and begin finding grips to complete their pass. Pinch your knees together while holding onto the Lapel-Single and switch your Butterfly-Hook into a Reverse de-la-Riva Hook; shifting your instep from the far-thigh to their near-thigh and elevating them overhead. Depending on the relative length differential between your legs, you may not necessarily need to switch the position of your hook (Butterfly or Reverse DLR) as long as you can safely lift up your opponent's hips as they drive forward with their knee. When they post their hands on the mat to prevent losing top position, come up with the Lapel-Single and finish the sweep or take their back.

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