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Technique: 'Takedowns/Controls - Hand Fighting from Standing';
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Hand Fighting from Standing, Collar and Elbow from Standing, Single Leg Takedown

4-Part Advanced Lesson -- Fabio transitions through a series of low-risk wrestling attacks: Don't reach for a Collar-Tie against your opponent on the same-side as your lead-leg; doing so will leave you vulnerable to an undefended Singl...
Hand-Fighting from Standing, Clinch with Over-Hook Tie-Up, Firefighter

Advanced Lesson Part 1 of 2 -- Marcelo takes down an opponent that is reluctant to hand-fight: Tracking your opponent's hands from the standing neutral position is a great way to stay ahead in defending many of their offensive options;...
Arm-Drag from Standing, Jumping on the Back, Seat-Belt Control from Back

Advanced Lesson Part 1 of 3 -- Marcelo is reminded of the effectiveness of his tried-and-true, Standing Arm-Drag to the Back: Starting from a neutral position on the feet, hand-fight for same-side control over your opponent's wrist; us...
Standing Arm-Dag with Leg-Trip, Single-Leg, Jumping on the Back, Seat-Belt Control, Back Body-Lock

Advanced Lesson Part 2 of 3 -- Marcelo applies a contingent attack for when it's too slippery for the Arm-Drag to the Back: Optimize your opportunity to successfully pull-off the Standing Arm-Drag by hitting it at the beginning of a ma...
Arm-Drag Single-Leg, Jumping on the Back from the Back Body-Lock, Seat-Belt Control

Advanced Lesson Part 3 of 3 -- Marcelo capitalizes on a brief window to take the Back from a Rear Waist-Lock: If your opponent is late to stand upright after you've successfully captured their hips from behind with a Standing Arm-Drag ...
Foot-Sweep Finishes from the Double-Leg Take-Down

2-Part Advanced Lesson -- Marcelo scores a takedown inbounds against a stable standing opponent: Running your opponent over from a low-tackle with proper upright posture is an effective strategy for off-balancing them and bringing them...
Experiencing Strategic Evasion on the Feet

Advanced Lesson Part 3 of 5 -- Marcelo devises drill-able scenario to let his students experience the frustration and pressure that comes from an all-too-frequent competitive plan, when your opponent is up on points with little time re...
Chasing, Cutting Off & Cornering a Stalling Opponent

Advanced Lesson Part 4 of 5 -- Marcelo reiterates on the importance of learning how to focus against someone willing to not take any risks or chances that would let you turn the tides and potentially score on them: If you're down on po...
Hand Fighting from Standing, Collar and Elbow from Standing, Double Elbow Control from Standing

Lesson Part 2 of 2 -- Marcelo works his way onto a Single from the feet: Sometimes your opponent will respond defensively if they are lured into a pulling set-up from standing; this is oftentimes the case when you try to control your o...
Hand Fighting from Standing > Single Leg Takedown > Bridge vs Roll

4 Part Lesson -- Marcelo doesn't waste any time pressing forward: Don't hesitate during your match and give your opponent a chance to initiate on their own terms. Place pressure on your opponent by closing the distance but avoiding sta...
Posted: 1572 days ago
Hand Fighting from Standing > Double Leg Takedown > Leg Trip Takedown

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo sets up and finishes a Double: Don't let your opponent intercept your shot with their arms; clear their hands and elbows away from their hips so that you have unimpeded access to the legs when you shoot. [03:32...
Posted: 1575 days ago
Breaking Gi Grips from Standing > Escape vs Foot Sweep

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo counters strong Judo skills: Survive the barrage of off-balance your opponent may dole out on the feet if they are competent with standing grips. Try to avoid a Collar Grip in the first place by swatting away y...
Hand Fighting from Standing > Breaking Gi Grips from Standing

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo teaches Hand-Fighting: In order to gain favorable grips on your opponent (Kumigata), you must engage in the battle of denying your opponent's prefered controls as well (Kumite-Arasoi). Track your opponent's han...
Sprawl vs Takedown

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo counters a shot: Getting taken down is the first big mistake you can make at the start of a match. To avoid this, approach your opponent in a low stance and focus on controlling their hands. It they take a shot...
Double Guard Pull

5 Part Lesson -- Marcelo gives a strategic approach towards winning IBJJF tournaments: Oftentimes we inflate the import of competition and construct irrational fears that can hinder our performance. Competition is a test to help us pra...
Guard Pull from Standing

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo demonstrates how to legally pull and attack: Engage your opponent on the feet using Kumite-Arasoi (Grip/Hand-Fighting) for the intention of Hikikomi (Guard-Pulling) with Kumigata (Forms of Grip; e.g. Ryotedori ...
Hand Fighting from Standing > Single Leg Takedown

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo addresses Hand-Fighting for a Swing-Single: When wrestling, you ideally want to minimize how much time you spend below your opponent, even when attempting a takedown or escaping a ride. Avoid shooting for a Hig...
Shooting from the Outside

1 Part Lesson -- Marcelo advocates shooting from the outside: If you are the smaller grappler, risking a shot and ending up stuck underneath your opponent's sprawl may not seem like an advisable tactic. However, if you circle around yo...
Hand Fighting from Standing > Single Leg > 2on1 > Armdrag > Leg Trip Takedown

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo risks taking a shot with the least danger possible: If you are worried about ending up on bottom after taking a shot, try shooting from the outside with a Swing Single Leg Takedown. Remember to keep your near k...
Posted: 1629 days ago
Hand Fighting from Standing > Single Leg Takedown

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo applies the fake-it-til-you-make-it approach to wrestling: Aggressiveness and confidence on your feet can take you a long way; especially when you haven't dedicated enough mat-time working on your wrestling tec...
Posted: 1630 days ago
Hand Fighting from Standing > Double Leg Takedown

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo demonstrates how to shoot: Get as close to your opponent as possible, but without offering up a grip on your jacket. Use hand-fighting to help close the distance so that you may tackle the hips with a Drop-Step...
Posted: 1635 days ago
Hand Fighting > 2on1 from Standing

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo explains the difference between his 2on1 and the common Russian variant, as well as 3 different ways of capturing the control: The 2on1 is a vital aspect of Marcelo's attacking game; applying the technique forc...
Posted: 1638 days ago
Breaking Gi Grips from Standing

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo addresses an opponent's strong collar grip: If you can help it, don't let your opponent find a grip on your collar while standing; allowing such may lend comfort to your opponent's mindset as well as place you ...
Wrist & Hand Control

4 Part lesson - Marcelo demonstrates offensively & defensively the importance of controlling the opponent's wrists and hands.
Posted: 1762 days ago
Interlaced Fingers from Standing

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo offers options for offense on the feet: If you lock up in a Collar & Elbow Tie with your opponent, cup the elbow holding your head and duck under it to snatch a Single Leg. If your opponent tries to pummel for ...
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