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Category: 'Guard/Butterfly/Bottom/Controls and Grips';
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Videos 1 to 25 of 88
Hand-Fighting from Open-Guard, De-La-Riva Guard Sweep

Marcelo & Ryan discuss grip-fighting from an Open-Guard: Getting into your offensive game from bottom position is largely a matter of mindfully tracking your opponent's hands and finding a way to momentarily dominate them before they c...
Hand Fighting vs Butterfly Guard, Hand Fighting from Butterfly Guard

Marcelo prioritizes aspects of Hand-Fighting: If you are kneeling in front of a seated opponent, immediately clear away any Collar-Ties around your neck, and then convert them into a dominant 2on1-Grip. Whether you end up blocking from...
Collar and Elbow Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly, Breaking Gi Grips vs Butterfly

Marcelo shows several ways of finding grips for his Hook Sweep from Butterfly: The two main components of control for initiating the Hook-Sweep from the Butterfly-Guard are a grip on an ipsalateral elbow and contralateral knee; using h...
Double Over Hook Control from Butterfly, Short Hook Sweep from Butterfly

Marcelo & Kurt talk about an incredibly important detail when countering Double Under-Hooks from your Seated Butterfly-Guard: If your opponent while kneeling beats your hands and dives forward with their chest for a Body-Lock, try your...
Hand Fighting vs 2on1 Control from Butterfly Guard

Marcelo quickly teaches Victor a simple solution to a common problem: When applying 2-on-1 Control onto your opponent's sleeve, it is important not to let their hand reach your collar; use your control to help flick their wrist underne...
Guard Recovery vs Toreando Pass

Marcelo, Orlando, and German help Justin better understand the heuristics behind recovering the Butterfly-Guard against Toreando-Passing: If you can remain sitting upright versus oncoming pressure, frame against your opponent's head, s...
Posted: 81 days ago
Elbow Control Armbar from Butterfly

Marcelo, Josh, and Jordan briefly discuss the parameters for securing the finish with Elbow-Control: After winning the inside-tie during the hand-fight exchange, latch your hand onto your opponent's elbow-joint and secure your palm at ...
Posted: 171 days ago
Hand Fighting from Butterfly

Marcelo, Josh, and Jordan talk about attacking from Butterfly-Guard: If you can close the distance against a kneeling opponent and slap on a Collar-Tie & Elbow-Control, you can break their posture and advance with an attack in response...
Over Hook and Elbow Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly

Master Fabio Gurgel shares valuable insight on the nature of sweeping to Paul & Josh: Reducing the number of response-possibilities your opponent can make in reaction to your sweep set-up is a crucial part of successfully following-thr...
Lapel Single Leg from Deep Half Guard

Braulio facetiously teaches Bernardo a "new" sweep from Deep Half Guard with assistance from the lapel: Secure a grip around the bottom of your opponent's skirt-tail and thread it through their legs, feeding it into your opposite hand ...
1Leg X-Guard Entry, Back-Step Half-Guard Pass Counter

Marcelo gives guidance for countering common counters from Butterfly: If your opponent crosses their feet together after you lift them up with your inside-hook, release their elbow and use your hand to pick their ankles apart while you...
Closed-Guard to Butterfly-Guard, Breaking Gi-Grips from Butterfly, 1Leg X-Guard Entry

Marcelo & Adam help Jon troubleshoot a situation based on a previous super-fight: Placing your feet on your opponent's hips is an important aspect of distance-making, particularly when you are attempting to break your opponent's grips ...
Honing a Competitive Edge

Marcelo answers Orlando about questions regarding follow-through attacks, pressure consistency, and confidence boosts: Organize your jiu-jitsu such that you are constantly seeking an initiative; whether it comes from obtaining a domina...
Pulling Guard

Marcelo takes time to present several important ideas about positive training: When starting a roll with a partner, if you are both in a downed-position, try your best to minimize the amount of time spent grip-fighting and wrestling fr...
Posted: 605 days ago
2on1 Control from Closed Guard, Cross-Sleeve & Belt Control, Reverse Scissors-Sweep to Crucifix

Paul Schreiner shares a technique with Marcelo inspired by Jean Jacques Machado: Starting from the Closed Guard with 2on1-Control, Paul scissors his legs apart and crosses his partner's arm, switching from their elbow to their belt; he...
Advanced Hook-Sweeping from Butterfly-Guard

Marcelo advises Kanan on how to properly re-attack from the Butterfly-Guard: If you encounter an opponent who happens to counter your butterfly-hooks mid-lift with heavy sprawling pressure and framing, you must train and develop the re...
Training in the Gi to Improve Your Nogi Game

Marcelo briefly relays his stance on the necessity of adorning a jacket, pants and belt for a much faster advancement in terms of training without said ensemble: The grips one may impose (likewise, conversely made against) create situa...
Over Under Control from Butterfly

Marcelo helps Kanan with the proper posture necessary for receiving top pressure while playing Butterfly-Guard: Whenever your opponent closes the distance to break you flat from a Seated Hooks-Guard position, you must meet their advanc...
Posted: 753 days ago
2on1 Control from Butterfly

Marcelo and Savannah talk about how to properly use 2-on-1 Control for offense and defense: If your opponent tries to advanced forward while you have control over their forearm with the 2on1, you can use your grips to help deflect them...
Hand Fighting

Marcelo helps Megan with hand-fighting for both gi and no-gi: When your opponent isn't readily committing to an attack, use your hands to help force an exaggerated reaction from them; pop their shoulders with strong posts and get them ...
Double Elbow-Control, Hook-Lift, Guillotine-Choke from Butterfly-Guard

Marcelo & Rob help Orlando with the timing for his Guillotine-Choke from Butterfly-Guard against a kneeling opponent: When setting up for an attack on your opponent's neck, try to get them to take their hands away from their centerline...
Taking Center, Keeping Inbounds, and Riding the Line

Marcelo, Demian, and Philzinho help Jon investigate strategies and tactics against an opponent who happens to skillfully 'Ride the Line', so to speak: Staying conscious of where the boundaries of your match reside is an advanced part o...
Pulling Half-Guard

Marcelo offers Joe some advice on how to slow down a fast opponent from bottom position: Whenever you are faced with an opponent is relying on speed and angles to bypass your guard, look to ensnare their leg inside your Half-Guard. Pul...
Under-Hook & Head-Control Hook-Sweep from Butterfly-Guard

Marcelo & Bryan investigate with Jimmy a peculiar variation of a specifically clinched Butterfly-Sweep: Despite having taken away your opponent's ability to post with their arm that is trapped inside your Under-Hook & Head-Control, you...
Avoiding a Head-in-Neck Squeeze

Marcelo offers advice to Jee about a tricky neck crank situation: As a general rule, don't let your opponent occupy the space around your neck; protect your vulnerable parts by tucking your chin when your opponent tries to invade the s...
Posted: 984 days ago
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