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Guard-Pull to Sweep
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Marcelo and Jon help Zane understand how to transfer the momentum gained from falling into a setup for a Hook-Sweep or Hook-Lift from Butterfly-Guard: If your opponent is hard to takedown or sweep outright from bottom position, you can help your cause by harnessing the energy of your falling body to amplify the effect of your technique. Fight for 2on1-Control or Collar-&-Elbow before dropping back and placing your feet/shins against your opponent's base. Depending on the circumstances and timing of your Guard-Pull, you can end up attacking with a (long; default, standard variation) Hook-Sweep, a 'Short' Hook-Sweep (i.e., emphasis is placed on kicking out your opponent's counter-posting knee/foot with your shin/foot), or go deep underneath with an under-hooking arm and capturing an X-Guard (a dynamic 'dumping' position; Joga-Fora-no-Lixo, Take-Up, Unbalance, Tree-Top Single-Leg Imbalance, Technical Stand/Get-Up, et al.). The same idea also applies to wrestling (up) from your knees against an opponent who is kneeling (or standing) and sitting back (or pulling down) for a sweep from an Open-Guard position.

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Anar  (1097 days ago)  
A genius to say the least. He has molded my jiujitsu from a distance for 5 years. Will be glad when I can travel to New York again and see everyone at the academy. One love 
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