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Category: 'Standup/Front Headlock/Submissions';
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Guillotine vs Butterfly

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo hangs onto his Guillotine: Shove your opponent's shoulders back to make them err by leaning forward with their neck exposed for a quick snap into a Guillotine Choke. Step in between their legs with your lead fo...
Loop Choke from Guard

4 Part Lesson -- Marcelo teaches the Loop Choke: When playing on bottom in guard (Lazy-Butterfly, Knee-Shield, Shin-Shield, Z-Guard, 93-Guard, Scissor-Half, et al.) with Farside-Collar/Sleeve Control (left-handed cross-collar grip), sn...
Guillotine & Front Head Lock vs Take Down

2 Part Lesson - Against the opponent's oncoming Single Leg there will be space either below the neck or above the head to attack. Wrap under the open space of the neck to Guillotine or cover over the opponent’s head with a tradit...
Guillotine & Front Head Lock vs Single Leg Take Down

3 Part Lesson - Against the opponent's oncoming Single Leg there will be space either below the neck or above the head to attack. Wrap under the open space of the neck to Guillotine or cover over the opponent’s head with a tradit...
Sprawl vs Takedown > Guillotine from Front Headlock > Taking the Back

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo makes his opponent pay for a failed shot: Sprawling back into the Front Headlock Position, use whatever grip feels comfortable (Marcelo prefers the Seatbelt/Ball-n-Socket-Grip for simplicity's sake; however, he...
Single Leg Counter > Guillotine vs Takedown > Guillotine from Front Headlock

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo explains ipsilateral versus contralateral Guillotine-Choke finishes against his opponent's Single Leg Takedown attempt: If you try slipping out of your opponent's shot by stiff-arming their shoulder and clearin...
Posted: 2037 days ago
Transitioning from Position to Submission

3 Part Lesson - Marcelo forces the opponent to concentrate on the current position, before transitioning onto the next position. Through disruption and disorientation, the opponent's attention to defend the next oncoming attack returns...
Guillotine to Front Headlock vs Side Control

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo troubleshoots the finish for a Guillotine after getting taken down: [I] Capitalize on your opponent's downed position if you stop his Takedown with a Sprawl; don't let him back up to his feet where he gets anoth...
Arm-In Guillotine from Front Headlock

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo demonstrates an instance where he will opt for an Arm-In Guillotine finish: [I] When your opponent continues to drive forward while underneath your Sprawl for a Takedown, he inadvertently leaves an opportunity t...
Front Headlock vs Half Guard → Guillotine from Knee on Belly

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows us one of the few instances where he elects to finish the Guillotine Choke with the "Arm-In."
Guillotine from Front Headlock → Taking the Back from Front Headlock

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo snaps on a Guillotine: [I] Tap the back of your opponent's head down as you leap up and ensnare it with your other arm into a Guillotine Choke. If he defends by inserting his hands in between his neck and your a...
Sprawl, Over Under Reversal, & Collar Choke from Front Head Lock

3 Part Lesson - Use the Front Head Lock after sprawling to intertwine an Over Under Reversal or Collar Choke. If the opponent pressures forward and reveals an Under Hook, pummel for the space and twist him to the mat to pin his shoulde...
Sprawl vs Takedown → Guillotine vs Takedown → Guillotine Sweep from Butterfly → Guillotine from Mount Position

4 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows a high-level submission: Sprawl your legs back and jam your opponent's shot by bracing against his biceps while looping your arm under his chin for the Guillotine Choke. After connecting your hands togethe...
Sprawl vs Takedown, Single Leg Counter, Guillotine vs Takedown from Standing Single

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo presents three ways of preventing a tight Single Leg Takedown: [I] While sprawling on your opponent's Single, if you cannot effectively apply a Whizzer or free your leg, post both of your hands on the back of hi...
Collar Choke from Front Head Lock Reversal ;

2 Part Lesson - You've sunk in that collar choke, yet the opponent reverses you from a takedown. Transition underneath and prevent the opponent's spin to finish, or follow through if he's able to rotate away.
Posted: 3723 days ago
Loop Choke from Front Headlock Position

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo explains the Gi-Version of his Guillotine, The Loop Choke: [I] Similarly to how you secure an opponent's collar across his throat for a Choke from the Back, e.g. Cleaning, feeding, and un-slacking your grip with...
Sprawl vs Takedown, Guillotine vs High Crotch from Turtle, Rear Naked Choke from Crucifix Position

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo makes his opponent pay for hanging on to a failed shot: [I] After hitting a Sprawl and successfully defending your opponent's takedown attempt, if he is still hanging on to your leg with his hands, grab his wris...
Guillotine from Front Headlock, Guillotine from Lockdown Half Guard, Guillotine from Mount Position

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows how to systematically dismantle your opponent's defense to the Guillotine: [I] Potentially, after you fall back with a "Marcelotine" (Guillotine Choke w/ Elbow-On-Shoulder) from the Front Headlock, your op...
Guillotine vs Side Control, Half Guard, Front Head Lock

2 Part Lesson - As the opponent directs his attention towards escaping positions he will involuntarily expose himself to being Guillotined, so foresee these opportunities and use the transitions to attack.
Guillotine vs Turtle, Guillotine Sweep from Butterfly, Guillotine from Mount, Guillotine from Front Headlock

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo demonstrates a neat trick for catching the Guillotine: [I] If you find yourself on top of your opponent's back and he is defending his neck from the Seatbelt or Choke on just his nearside, swing off of his back ...
Guillotine from Front Headlock, Guillotine from Mount

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo demonstrates how to counter your opponent's defenses to the Guillotine Choke: [I] Whether your opponent is strong enough to carry you over or you have to use your hook, if your opponent bails out of your Guillot...
Cradle from Front Headlock, Guillotine from Side Control, North/South Choke from Side Control

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows how to make adjustments for when his opponent tries to catch him in Half Guard as he looks to take the Back from the Front Headlock Position: [I] Answer your opponent's counter-post with a Nearside Cradle,...
The Anaconda Choke

3 Part Technique — Marcelo Garcia's style of BJJ is immensely unique in many different aspects of the traditional art form, but no one example sets him apart from the rest more than his controversial stance on the omission of certain a...
Posted: 4112 days ago
Collar Choke from Front Headlock, Cradle from Side Control, Loop Choke from Side Control, Knee Slide Pass vs Half Guard, Brabo Choke from Side Mount

3 Part Technique — If you notice your opponent opening up his neck while you are sprawling on top with the Front Headlock in the gi, perhaps because he wants to perform a Sit-Out Escape, take advantage of the extra material by grabbing...
Guillotine from Front Headlock, Guillotine Sweep from Butterfly, Guillotine from Butterfly Guard

3 Part Technique — One of the very best positions to set up the Guillotine Choke is from the Front Headlock Position. If you feel his neck open with your arm, immediately lock together your grip, sit back, and clear or block his arm fr...
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