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Technique: 'Takedowns/Controls - Breaking Gi Grips from Standing';
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Honing a Competitive Edge

Marcelo answers Orlando about questions regarding follow-through attacks, pressure consistency, and confidence boosts: Organize your jiu-jitsu such that you are constantly seeking an initiative; whether it comes from obtaining a domina...
Training in the Gi to Improve Your Nogi Game

Marcelo briefly relays his stance on the necessity of adorning a jacket, pants and belt for a much faster advancement in terms of training without said ensemble: The grips one may impose (likewise, conversely made against) create situa...
Gi Grips from Standing

Marcelo & Jimmy discuss an unorthodox grip used by a modern high-level judoka: Typically, grapplers will hide the area of their armpits by keeping their elbows close to their ribs; in judo, this space seems to have an exploit by way of...
Posted: 1053 days ago
Physical, Strategic, Tactical & Technical Conditioning

Marcelo dispenses invaluable gems of "condensed" wisdom and grants us many insights quite literally, through the mist and amidst several hard advanced sparring sessions: Beware of both external and internal distractions; you must be re...
Hand Fighting, Breaking Gi Grips

To gi, or not to gi?, that is the question. Cliché? Yes, but it is still quite a controversial topic amongst grappling practitioners today. Marcelo's stance on this is clear: Train both. If you make a mistake while wearing the k...
Collar Control from Standing, Breaking Gi Grips from Standing

Marcelo explains to Sou that he is making a common mistake when he tries to break free from Collar Control. You can't repeatedly tug at his wrist and expect it to come off. You have to yank his hand off in only one jerking motion, not ...
Posted: 4609 days ago
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