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Technique: 'Guard/X Guard/X Guard/Transitions - X Guard Entry';
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Roll-Over Sweep from X-Guard, Triangle-Choke from X-Guard

3-Part Expert Lesson -- Marcelo & Paul practice some karate and a few high-level X-Guard attacks: Starting from the Butterfly-Guard in a clinch against a kneeling opponent, initiate a Hook-Sweep to force your opponent to switch their b...
Collar-&-Elbow from Standing, Hook-Lift from Butterfly, X-Guard Take-Down Sweep

Advanced Lesson Part 1 of 2 -- Marcelo generates a massive lead from neutral standing: Starting from dual Collar & Elbow Control with your opponent, you can get ahead by taking the initiative and pulling yourself directly into an X-Gua...
Collar-&-Elbow from Standing, Reverse Hook-Lift from Butterfly, Ankle-Trap Sweep from X-Guard

Advanced Lesson Part 2 of 2 -- Marcelo shares a back-up plan off of his Guard-Pull to Hook-Lift: If your opponent is quick to react to your committed Guard-Pull, they may have a chance to disconnect from your initial Butterfly-Hook on ...
Get-Up Escape vs Toreando Pass, Double-Collar Control Hook-Lift to X-Guard, Take-Down Sweep from X

1-Part Advanced Lesson -- Marcelo shares options as an alternative to disengaged supine guard-play: If your opponent manages to find separation from your Seated/Open Butterfly-Guard while they are in a standing posture, it may pose som...
Hook Lift from Butterfly

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo reshoots his Hook Sweep from Butterfly: Elevate your opponent off the mat by keying in on the detail of keeping your hips close to your Butterfly Hooks. You will be most off-balance while your knees are at an a...
Spin Retention vs Back Step

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo counters common pass attempts against his X-Guards: While playing 1-Leg X-Guard (Single-Leg X, One-Legged X, Anaconda Guard, Leglock Guard, Ashigarami, Footlock Guard, Guarda Sucuri, Noose, Slash Guard, et al.)...
Over Under Control from Butterfly > Hook Sweep from Butterfly > Short Hook Sweep from Butterfly

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo addresses several components of his signature Butterfly Sweep: Close the distance and pummel for an Underhook. Derive power for the lift by keeping your toes on the mat while kicking the opponent up and over. T...
2on1 & X-Guard vs Toreando or Folding Pass

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo utilizes his Hooks to stay with the opponent, digging underneath to own the opponent's weight and balance with X-Guard.
Collar and Elbow from Standing > Guard Pull > Short Hook Sweep > X Guard Sweep

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo demonstrates a signature entry into groundwork he employs at the very onset of a match: If you cannot readily win advantageous grips while standing, latch onto your opponent's jacket with Collar & Elbow Control...
Hook Lift from Butterfly > X Guard Takedown from Partial X Guard > Partial X Guard Entry vs Folding Pass

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo discusses momentum in relation to pulling X-Guard: If you can pull guard from standing, utilize the falling energy to help load your opponent up onto your hooks for a powerful lift. Pop the opponent up like a fo...
Collar and Elbow Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo hits his trademark Hook Sweep starting out of range: [I] If your opponent is waiting to pounce from a Combat Base (Suwariwaza; Tatehiza, Hanza, et al.), scoot forward and close the distance immediately to Hook L...
“Take-Up” Sweep from X-Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo highlights the key detail for success with his "Jogaforanolixo" Sweep: [I] Rise as vertically as possible after you extend your legs and release the hooks from X-Guard to stand up. There are a number of differen...
Retention vs Back Step

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo adjusts his X-Guard for long and/or flexible opponents: [I] If you are complacent with your superior positioning, you may be caught off guard if your opponent bursts out of your hooks in X-Guard. Do your best to...
Posted: 2545 days ago
Sweeping from X-Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo explains a subtle yet important aspect about sweeping from X-Guard against defensive opponents: [I] If your opponent is cautiously awaiting for your attack to happen so he or she may better time a neutralizing r...
X Guard Entry from Hook Sweep → Unbalance Sweep from X Guard → Takedown Sweep from X Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo explains a simple facet of his X-Guard system: [I] Enter into the X-Guard off of a countered Hook Sweep attempt when your opponent posts his leg out, creating space underneath his base for you to fill with the p...
Protecting Your Feet with Hand Fighting

2 Part Lesson - Answer the opponent's attacks towards your feet by recognizing his intentions and hand fighting away his grips. Use this principal to defeat all leg attacks, from Braulio and Victor's Estima Lock, to traditional toe hol...
Triangle & Omoplata from X-Guard

2 Part Lesson - Ensnare the opponent from X-Guard by clamping his neck and arm with your legs as he returns to the mat in defense of your X-Guard Takedown.
X Guard Entry from Hook Sweep vs Posting Arm, Shin-in Sweep & Takedown from X-Guard

2 Part Lesson - The opponent breaks your Elbow Control to post his arm in defense of your Hook Sweep. Continue hooking your foot to his leg, rotate underneath into X-Guard, then use your shin behind the opponent's knee and pendulum you...
Handfighting from Butterfly → Over/Under Control Hook Sweep from Butterfly → 2on1 Control → Single Leg X Guard Entry → Guillotine from Butterfly → Guillotine vs Side Control

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo generates a sequence of timely movements to take the initiative away from his opponent: [I] The Hand-Fighting progression is as follows; (i) If your opponent crashes into your Butterfly, meet his advance with ev...
2on1 Guard Pull → Tripod Sweep from Cross Guard → Pumphandle Gi Grip → Unbalance Sweep from X Guard → Single Leg Takedown<br />

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo teaches new sweeps: [I] After using the 2on1 to pull down into Cross Guard, release the opponent's elbow, grabbing his heel, and raise his leg up onto your knee for the Tripod Sweep; get him hopping around on on...
2on1 Control Hook Lift from Butterfly → X Guard Entry → Unbalance Sweep from X Guard → Roll Over Sweep from X Guard

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo shows variations on two X-Guard Sweeps: [I] Form 2on1 Control to off-balance your opponent with a Hook Lift for X-Guard. Forcing him to post with a free, uncaptured hand will allow you to lift his lightened side...
Jumping on the Back → Seatbelt Control → Rear Naked Choke → Straight Choke Variation

2 Part Lesson — MG reviews the proper way to cinch up the RNC: After jumping on your opponent's back for Seatbelt Control, after countering his Single Leg Escape against your X-Guard Tech-Lift, fight for Double 1on1 Wrist Control from ...
Single Leg Sweep from X Guard → Jumping on the Back → Seatbelt Control → Crucifix from Back → Rear Naked Choke from Crucifix → Crucifix Armbar from Back Control

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo coaches the two major submissions from the Crucifix: [I] After taking the opponent's back from an attempted X-Guard Takedown (Treetop Single-Leg Sweep), if you do not feel comfortable jumping onto his back becau...
Taking the Back from X Guard

3 Part Lesson — MG reveals a new way to Take-the-Back from X-Guard: [I] Popping the opponent up onto Full-X from Butterfly with Double-Unders, if he drops his knee from the Tree-Top Single and begins mule-kicking, grab onto his belt an...
Double Under Control from Butterfly, X Guard Entry from Hook Lift, X Guard Takedown from X Guard

3 Part Lesson — Marcelo shares details on the Technical Lift & Tree-Top Single: [I] Starting with Double Underhooks, hook-lift your opponent into the air for X-Guard. If you cannot reach his arms, this indicates that his weight is dist...
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