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Category: 'Side Control/Submissions';
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Videos 1 to 25 of 205
Hand Fighting from Step Over Armbar, Far Side Overhook Armbar from Side Control

2-Part Advanced Lesson -- Braulio continues with an attack against the arm on the far-side: If your opponent is able to defend your initial attack on their near-arm with the Step-Over by applying a defensive figure-4, push behind their...
Hand Fighting from Side Control, Step Over Armbar from Side Control

2-Part Advanced Lesson -- Braulio employs a prophylactic approach towards a submission: Prevent your opponent from developing any counter-offensive measures by emphasizing control over both of their elbows; controlling the far elbow wi...
Side-Control to Mount, Armbar from S-Mount, Wrist-Lock from S-Mount

3-Part Advanced Lesson -- Bernardo dismantles a common defense against mounting from Side-Control: If your opponent places their near-side foot on top of their opposite knee to block you from readily crossing your leg over into the Ful...
Bow-&-Arrow Choke Variation

2-Part Advanced Lesson -- Marcelo shares a powerful variant of the sliding collar strangle from the back: An opponent who is keen on controlling your under-hooked elbow from Seatbelt Control may attempt to escape from their turtle posi...
Finish Everybody, Everyday: Combinations & Sequencing

4 Part Lesson -- Marcelo imparts the concept of the primacy of the finish: Don't think of your game in terms of discrete chunks that are subject to the scoring conditions of a match and are stitched together in a piecemeal fashion; rat...
North/South Choke, Spiral Armbar, Far-Side Armbar

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo maximizes the distance of the moment-arm when applying force: Just as you wouldn't put a door knob close to the hinges, if you want to mitigate the force generated during your opponent's escape, you should plac...
North/South Choke from Side-Control, Spiral Arm-Bar from Side-Control

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo sets up two submissions from Side-Mount: Even though you are passed your opponent's guard, you shouldn't wait for them to set-up an escape, reversal, or possibly a submission. If you don't have an Under-Hook to...
Finishing The Armbar

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo focuses on finishing the Armbar: Hug and pull your opponent's arm at his or her wrist joint as opposed to their elbow; push their elbow under your armpit and use your forearm to cut into the grip. Use both hand...
Americana from Side Control > Far Side Armbar from Side Control

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo teaches his signature Farside Armbar: Use the Americana (Shoulderlock; Keylock, Bent-Armlock, Udegarami, et al.) to force your opponent's arm away from his/her centerline so that you can capture it onto your sh...
Posted: 1612 days ago
Loop Choke from Guard

4 Part Lesson -- Marcelo teaches the Loop Choke: When playing on bottom in guard (Lazy-Butterfly, Knee-Shield, Shin-Shield, Z-Guard, 93-Guard, Scissor-Half, et al.) with Farside-Collar/Sleeve Control (left-handed cross-collar grip), sn...
North South Choke Fundamentals

2 Part Lesson - Marcelo navigates through core fundamental movements of the North South Choke. Clearing the opponent's hands, opening the chin through lower chest pressure, wrapping around the neck, and an open flat sprawl are key deta...
Posted: 1698 days ago
Over Under Control from North South

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo maintains his advantage: Keep in mind the idea to finish strongly when you near consolidating a position. For example, if you run North/South against and inverted guard and dig inside to pass, you can't let up ...
Hand Fighting from Side Control > Seatbelt Control > Back Control Recovery

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo carefully allows his opponent to move while still directing them towards danger: Pull your opponent onto his or her side but block behind the triceps of the far/top-side arm; prevent your opponent from pummelin...
Guillotine from Side Control

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo encourages his opponent to offer up a Guillotine Choke: Place your opponent onto his or her side while stuffing the hands away from the neck. When you feel the opportunity is present, drop your ribs onto the to...
Fighting from Side Control > Taking the Back vs Single Leg > Nearside Kimura Grip

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo utilizes heavy, perpendicular driving pressure from Side Control to extract opportunities for attack: If your opponent is turning onto his or her side to escape after scoring a pass, use your chest and shoulder...
Far Side Armbar

3 Part Lesson -- Marcelo counters a few common defenses to his entry into the Farside Armbar: If your opponent is blocking your hip with his or her near-side arm, cut your far-knee across the opponent's elbow and staple down the arm fr...
Posted: 1935 days ago
Far Side Armbar from Knee on Belly

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo gives insight on more details for an effective armlock: When you pull your opponent onto his or her side to expose the arm and shoulder for Jujigatame, it is important to keep your base; prevent your opponent f...
Far Side Armbar from Side Control

2 Part Lesson -- Marcelo shares his signature entry into Jujigatame and a re-counter for its Udehishigi finish: After passing into Side Control with a Underhook pummeled, you can take advantage of the momentum from the transition to at...
Hand Fighting from Side Control → Nearside Kimura Grip from Side Control → Americana from Side Control

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo creates tread with the edge of his forearms to help extract an elbow or neck for attack when his opponent is defending tightly in Cross-Sides. Drive on your toes and use your chest to isolate at least one of you...
Guillotine & Seat Belt from Side Control

2 Part Lesson - Slowly bait the opponent into Guillotine or Seat Belt from Side Control. A downward pressure aids the opponent in turning to his knees, exposing his Back to the Seat Belt and neck to the Guillotine.
Trap & Bait Concepts from Side Control

2 Part Lesson - Set your trap by slowly allowing the opponent to escape Side Control into the narrow space you've created.
Spiral Armbar / Omoplata from Side Control

2 Part Lesson - Entrap the opponent by forcing him to turn into your leg from Side Control. A forward driving movement to slow the opponent's escape will create the opportunity to step over, through the opponent's opening arm.
Posted: 2183 days ago
Arm-In North South Choke

2 Part Lesson — Marcelo finds the North/South Choke: [I] If your opponent is properly defending against the choke by looking inward and also turning up onto their side, use your hip to rake the opponent's chin skyward for the North/Sou...
Posted: 2186 days ago
Driving with your Weight

3 Part Lesson - Marcelo exercises how to drive against the opponent with a ratcheting quality of movement, building underneath the opponent and forcing him to turn away.
North South Choke

3 Part Lesson - Marcelo details one his strongest submissions, the North South Choke.
Posted: 2208 days ago
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